Chateau Vie Sponsored Events
Sponsored Events:
One of our primary goals at Chateau Vie is to use the beautiful property and grounds to help promote the happiness and well being of our local community and beyond. We feel like God has trusted us with such an amazing property, and we want to share and spread that. We do this by taking much of the resources and contacts gained from weddings & private events and sponsoring FREE events for the community. Some of these events are geared toward helping out families and individuals in need, and some are just laid back fun events for everyone involved.
These events are expensive, and labor intensive to put on. If you would like to be involved in any way, we are always looking for volunteers for these free public events. Please email us Info@ChateauVie.com if you're interested in helping out!
Date: ​April 12, 2022 (Easter Sunday)
Time: 2:00 PM -4:00 PM
*Egg hunt at 3:00 PM​
Cost: $0
What to expect?
-Fun Egg Hunt with hundreds of eggs filled with candy/goodies in our Formal Garden
-Free Easter pictures in the Photo Booth
-Bouncing in the Bounce House!
-Face Painting
-Light refreshments
-Bring your own basket if you can, if not we'll have some available too!
-ANYONE can come, and all are welcomed there is NO cost at all
-Feel free to show up but RSVP if you can by emailing below so we know how many to expect! If you forget to RSVP...PLEASE still come it's just to help us get a headcount
Easter Egg Hunt!
Cookies w/ Santa
Date: ​December 18, 2022 (Sunday)
Time: 2:00-5:00 PM (Come anytime)
Accepting donations of toys if you're able that will go to local families in need, but donation is not required to enjoy the event. If you can bring a toy valued at $20, OR a cash donation equal to that. 100% of donations go to needy local families...100%!
What to expect?
-FREE pictures with Santa in front of the fireplace. Each family gets 1 Printed copy Free!
-Cookies, Hot Chocolate, coffee, & Christmas Music​
-The Event will be be under our pavilion, and we'll have heaters, but dress for outdoor weather
-Horse & Carriage Rides around the property!
-ANYONE can come, and all are welcomed there is NO cost at all
-Feel free to show up but RSVP if you can on our FACEBOOK page.If you forget to RSVP...PLEASE still come it's just to help us get a headcount